In today’s world , staying healthy is most important thing to do first. You should not compromise with your health. You should have a proper balanced diet according to your age and body. If you consume the food which contains too much of calories and eat more than your body’s capacity , you will suffer with obesity and your body will catch various diseases.

Also, if you eat less than you will suffer. Therefore, in order to stay healthy you should plan for your balanced diet chart and stick to your routine.

1. Eat healthy foods

You should avoid eating the food which contains a lot of fats, carbohydrates. You should avoid eating too much rice, flour, butter, cheese. You should avoid eating pasta, noodles, and other junk food which have high amount of carbohydrates and fats. Instead you should eat the foods which have high fiber or wholegrain. You should eat foods which are boiled. The consumption of oily foods can lead to heart diseases.

Eating green vegetables and pulses are much better than eating a fried chicken which contains a lot of oil and fats. You can go for green vegetables like – Broccoli , Cabbage, Green Peas, Spinach and many more.

Balanced diet to stay healthy
Balanced diet to stay healthy

Not only pulses and vegetables, but eating fruits can also quench your hunger and it does not contains any fat, calorie, and other things which can harm your body.

Fruits contains vitamins and minerals which help humans to stay healthy and hydrated. There are more than thousands of benefits to consume fruits.

The best idea is that – take a notebook and pen, then note the food items which are not good for health and make a vow to not consume it. You should have self control and stay discipline to follow your eating manners.

2. Stay hydrated to stay healthy

You should drink at-least 5-6 liters of water everyday. As we all know that our 75% of the body is made out of water, and we need to stay hydrated everyday to stay fit and healthy. If you do-not consume water everyday than there is high risk of suffering from dehydration and you can blackout without any symptoms.

Stay hydrated
Stay hydrated and healthy

Lack of water can cause =

  • Kidney stones
  • Urinary tract infection (UTI)
  • Constipation
  • Heat Stroke
  • Chronic Dehydration
  • Electrolyte Imbalance
  • Headaches
  • Low Bloodpressure
  • Dry Skin
  • Muscle Cramps

If you can’t drink much amount of water than you can eat fruit like watermelon, it has high water content, you can also eat cucumber, lettuce which helps you to stay hydrated.

You should check up upon your urine color, if it is pale and clear than you are hydrated but if the color gets darker than you should not avoid this symptoms, you should drink more water.

3. Go vegetarian

It is your choice to be vegetarian or non-vegetarian, but the science says the people who are vegetarian lives longer than non vegetarians. Here are few reasons why –

  1. People consumes meat like chicken, pork, beef, mutton etc etc but no one knows in which and what type of environment they have been grown. Pigs are the dirtiest animals and if the meat are not cooked well than you can have stomach ache.
  2. Pulses like lentils, chickpeas, beans contains 8-9 grams of proteins of per 100 grams.
  3. If you consume red and processed meats than you will suffer from heart disease, cancer and obesity.
  4. People injects various kinds of medicines inside animals which make them grow faster and can process more than enough meat. For profit , the sellers compromise with the consumers health.
  5. With the money of 1 kg meat , you can buy many other healthy food items which are rich in protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals.
Go Veg
Go Veg and stay healthy

It is up to you what you choose, but in order to stay healthy and safe , you should listen to science and check for news where you will find how the animals meat is not good for human health and also for the environment.

4. Cut off saturated fat

Every human need some amount of fat for living but it depends upon your age and gender. If you consume too much saturated fat than it can increase the amount of cholesterol in the blood leading to heart risks. Thereafter, men should consume 30 gram of saturated fat a day and women should consume 20 gram a day.

The children should consume less amount of saturated fat compared to adults.

Mainly, you should avoid sugar items like cake, cookies, soft drinks, chocolates and others. You should also totally cut off your alcohol intake.

5. Salty food should be avoided

When humans are above 30, they face more serious health issues like one of them is popular which is – blood pressure. Consuming too much salty food can cause the raise in blood pressure and people suffering from it can have heart disease or stroke.

You should check the packed food items which already contains salts and when you cook that food with extra more salt than it can cause many health issues.

6. Proper exercise

You should exercise everyday to stay fit and fresh. Exercising helps you to increase your metabolic rate and keeps you energetic. After finishing you food , do not just lie down, you should walk for a while so that the food can digest inside your stomach. Keep your daily routine of exercising, how much you want to exercise.


You can also meditate, as meditation is good for both physical and mental health. Your focus will get increased and your mind will also get refreshed. Every morning if you start your day with a glass of water and exercise and with green food items than your life will become more beautiful and your living years will also increase.

BEST OF LUCK…………………………………

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