Introduction (Abyssal Creatures)
Creatures : There is a dark and mysterious place deep under the sea, home to some of the strangest creatures that survive under immense pressure and never encounter sunlight throughout their lives. However, recently, some of these deep-sea creatures have been found washing up on shores around the world. These include glowing fish with sharp teeth and jelly-like creatures never seen before.
Scientists and the general public are amazed by the appearance of these creatures above the sea, raising serious concerns. The most important question is: Why are these creatures coming to the surface?
Many believe that the legendary sea monster, Leviathan, is behind these unusual occurrences. Others argue that climate change, particularly global warming, is the cause. Experts are actively investigating the phenomenon to find answers. These strange events in the ocean make us question the secrets hidden in the deep sea.
Deep-sea abyssal creatures recently found at the shore
Scientific name : Regalecus glycine
Date : February 24, 2025
Location : Baja, California, Sur, Mexico
Oarfish is a shimmery and slinky fish which lives in the depths of the sea. This creature was spotted in Baja, California, which is along the Mexico’s Pacific coast. The Oarfish lives beneath the depth of the ocean below 600 feet and 3,500 feet underwater. These creatures naturally do not come above its habitat. The Oarfish are about 10 to 36 feet long and live in the deepest region of the ocean, (Mesopelagic region), where even not a small beam of light exists.
Scientific name : Melanocetus jonsonii
Date : May 2024
Location : Cannon Beach, Oregon, USA
This deep-sea creature was found on the Oregon coast and was dead. This creature has sharp teeth and also has an antenna “light bulb” which glows in dark hanging on its head. Anglerfish is known for its dangerous appearance as it is black and it looks like piranha. It lives in total darkness between nearly 2,000 and 3,000 feet beneath the surface of the ocean.
Blue Sea Dragons and Blue Buttons
Scientific name : Glaucus atlanticus, Porpita porpita
Date : December 2023
Location : Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
The Blue Sea Dragons and Blue Buttons were seen in the beach of Chennai, India. People said that these phenomena occurred due to the industrial oil spill and flood. These creatures actually live inside the depth of the ocean. Blue Sea Dragons and Blue Buttons are similar to jellyfish because it is venomous creatures.
Natural Calamities or Leviathan ?
It is Leviathan or Nature ? The chaos present in the world.
Leviathan is a Jewish mythical creature. It is a sea serpent (monster) which resides in the depth of the sea and also it is in its deep sleep. It is believed that when the end of the world is near, this serpent will destroy the whole world and also it is huge enough to destroy this planet.
If you are interested in mythology then you can also search here for more details about Leviathan.
Why are the creatures washing ashore?
- Climatic change and rising ocean temperatures are the main reason why deep-sea creatures are washing ashore.
- The industrial activities like deep-sea mining and underwater drilling disturbs the ecosystem of marines which let these creatures drive them towards the surface of the ocean.
- Underwater seismic events or volcanic eruptions can also send shock waves through the ocean floors which force disturb the deep-sea habitat and make the creatures leave their home and flee towards the shore.
- Ocean pollution is the main reason of marines’ death and the imbalance of the ocean ecosystem.
- Most common periodic climate events, also known as El Niño, alters ocean currents and disrupt marine food chains. This is also the reason why deep-sea creatures have been pushed above their habitats.
Creatures Warning
It is fascinating that the abyssal creatures are emerging on the shores but also alarming at the same time. The emergence of deep sea creatures is also a warning for us. A lot of things are going on all around the world.
Only 5% is explored while 95% are unexplored inside the ocean. Fewer than 20 people have only reached Challenger Deep, that is the deepest point in the ocean, which is located in the Mariana Trench in the Western Pacific Ocean. Its depth is approximately 10,984 meters. The pressure at this Challenger Deep is over 1,000 times the atmospheric pressure at sea level.
Humans usually could not bear this much of pressure. Therefore, only few lucky divers dived inside the depth.
Hence, ocean is full of mysterious darkness and it is very hard for humans to explore.
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